Tuesday 5 October 2010

To to prevent moisture piano

To to prevent moisture piano, piano advised to maintain strict accordance with instructions to do moisture maintenance. home with air conditioning or heating device Christian Louboutin Pumps of the public, open to the dehumidifier can be air-conditioned state, or heater open, this moisture, the general opening hours are 1 to 2 hours. If the piano tones are not allowed due to damp, Do not debugging, called after-sales service department, there will be professional door to debug. Tips ventilation: when the rainy south or southeast ie upwind direction of the windows and doors closed, only open the doors and windows, under the direction of the wind to reduce the water vapor into the room. When the weather turned fine, it can open all the doors and windows, to accelerate evaporation. Zhaotong Beijing Christian Louboutin Sandals Violet Town branch plant : found in indoor formaldehyde and other noxious fumes, on the one hand to open doors and windows, on the other hand, can also be placed at home, spider plants, aloe and other plants with the adsorption purification function.
serious, it is best to use preservatives and Catalyst products, and air filter or activated carbon for pollution control, air purifiers can also use the multi-function devices, wide Christian Louboutin Boots variety of clean indoor air pollutants. Lime: Lime is absorbent, 1 kg of lime can absorb air Approximately 0.3 kg of water. can be wrapped in cloth or sacks placed on the interior after installation lime around, the air dry.

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