Friday 14 January 2011

Li Meng Yi)
Win a new net to give or get an electric shock to change news in the Wei website according to the hair on December 29

This time contest is 2010 weather bureau legal system in Henan an important activity of the work.Lin Yong said hoping to pass a contest, just and all saving a weather section and bringing about new one to learn a method, method of using high tide and push a weather business cross over type in whole province development and make weather business provide more high-quality service for whole province economic development, social development and the masses of the people producing, living with this.
Author:The Wang Jian Zhong week loves spring(source:Chinese weather, news agency)
(Responsibility editor:Li Meng Yi)
Win a new net to give or get an electric shock to change news in the Wei website according to the hair on December 29, 1-11 months, the national total amount of imports is USD 1,253,400,000,000, together compare increase 40.3%, last year same period in order to descend 15.8%, increased soon than decelerated 0.2 percentage points for 1-10 months.

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